Why I'm Doing This

The purpose of this blog is to share and relish in the glorious moments of my early years of college. Also, it was required for my college connections class.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Understand This

I think that in order to be in a true blogging mood you need to have a lot of angst.

Today, during my studies, I came to the realization that sometimes in order to move forward, you need to just stop and relax for a bit. It was one of those days where my brain just felt completely full with new ideas and information and it was not going to take anymore until it had completely digested. So I took a nap. I kept falling in and out of sleep. It was one of those naps where you don't really know where you are when you wake up and you're just so surprised to see anything that normally wouldn't surprise you (What?! why is that lamp there and who turned it on??? *deep sigh of confusion and sadness*). I was particularly surprised because I woke up to my roommate standing over me, naked and sweating. Just kidding.
But I did have a ring of sweat around my neck which made my shirt cling to me in an uncomfortable way.

Last night I took Amtrak from Portland to Eugene. It would have been a pretty boring ride but thankfully there were some super nerdy college kids sitting in front of me talking about Harry Potter and Honeybadgers. "Draco wasn't a bad person, he was just misguided. People really take him for granted." "Honestly, I hate this, but I feel like I have to associate myself with Hermione." The girl who leading this golden discussion--and from her tone of voice she sounded pretty stuck up--had this air about her; it was like she thought she was some god of coolness and everyone else was constantly blessed by her infinite knowledge on how to be cool. I hope I never become like that. I sometimes think that your twenties are your free pass to feel like you know everything about the world...but you could also say that that is supposed to be for your teens. Or thirties. Or forties. The truth is, you will always be able to learn more. There's the gem of wisdom for the day. It's cliche and platitudinal. And that last sentence was repetitive and redundant.

Speaking of repetitive and redundant, I was a horrible writer until senior year. I would say the same thing five different ways and call it a paragraph... which I mean technically if it is five sentences--never mind. I really felt like the high school writing program at Grant didn't do me much justice. I learned how to write when I read a book (over and over) called The Elements of Style. If you like Hemingway you should read it, if not, you'll probably always be a poor writer. The message is essentially: write concisely with purpose. Mark Twain once said in a letter to a friend, "If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter."
That's all I have for right now. Namaste.

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